
2025-03-12 19:02:59 DAM CAPACITY 46.00% 32.09M HEIGHT 355,806ML VOLUME

Reservoirs take shape to advance Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline

Reservoirs take shape to advance $983 million Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline

1500 cubic metres of concrete has now been poured to create the base for one of two water storage reservoirs as the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline (FGP) continues to take shape.
This important work required more than 100 truckloads of concrete, using two batching plants located in Gladstone and Calliope, operating over two twelve-hour days. Local workers ensured the success of the pour which was coordinated by FGP Principal contractor McConnell Dowell BMD Group Joint Venture (MBJV).

Once constructed, each reservoir will be 76 metres in diameter (wider than the wingspan of a Boeing 737), 12 metres high (equal to the height of a three-story building) and will have the capacity to store 50 megalitres of water. Combined, the reservoirs will hold a maximum of 100 megalitres (equal to 20 Olympic sized swimming pools).

The $983 million FGP project will provide a second source of water for Gladstone, assist in addressing the water supply risk from Awoonga Dam, and enable long-term water security for Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) customers.

The FGP team is committed to creating a lasting legacy in the Central Queensland region. To help achieve this, GAWB and MBJV committed to a local spend target of $90 million in Gladstone and Rockhampton.

As of the end of August 2024, the target was exceeded with more than $114 million spent within the Gladstone and Rockhampton region, and a further $149 million spent within Queensland.

GAWB Chief Executive Officer Darren Barlow said, the pouring of the first of two bases for these enormous water storing reservoirs is a mammoth task.

“And that we were able to mobilise local batching plants and workers is something we pride ourselves on,” Mr Barlow said.

“I am delighted the FGP has exceeded its local spend target. GAWB and MBJV have spent considerable time and effort engaging with businesses, suppliers and sub-contractors in the region to achieve this success.

“But we are not resting on our laurels. We are continuing to engage the communities in which we operate.

“In mid-September, our Chief Operating Officer – FGP Hugh Barbour presented at the Capricorn Enterprise Major Projects Forum in Rockhampton.

“Next month he will be presenting at the Gladstone Engineering Alliance Major Industry, Energy and Manufacturing Conference in Gladstone to provide an update on the FGP and to outline future opportunities to work with GAWB” Said Mr Barlow.

Craig Rutherford Area Manager Boral Concrete said Boral is a long-standing supplier of Concrete throughout the Gladstone and Rockhampton regions.

“Being an integral supplier to the FGP is yet another opportunity for us to support the Gladstone economy and help cement Gladstone’s water security”, said Mr Rutherford.

Fast facts

  • Construction for the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline continues to take shape with 1500 cubic metres of concrete being poured to create the base for one of two water storing reservoirs at Aldoga.
  • The FGP has spent more than $114 million with Gladstone and Rockhampton businesses, exceeding the local content target of $90 million across the life of the project.
  • The project is on track for completion in 2026.

For media enquiries, please contact Peter Condylis on 0450 384 294,