The Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline is a $983 million project to address the single source water supply risk from Awoonga Dam and enable long-term water security for GAWB’s customers.
The 117-kilometre pipeline will run from the Lower Fitzroy River in Rockhampton and connect to Gladstone Area Water Board’s existing water network at Yarwun. The pipeline comprises a water treatment plant, reservoirs and pumping stations at locations along its alignment including Laurel Bank, Alton Downs and Aldoga.
The Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline will have the capacity to transport 30 gigalitres per annum from the Fitzroy River to Gladstone.
The Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline will:
- provide water security and reliability
- help ensure the continued operations of Gladstone’s industry
- contribute to the growth of the Queensland economy
- create more than 400 jobs at the peak of construction
- create 25 apprenticeships and traineeships
- provide 10,000 hours of training to the delivery team
- support the growth of Queensland’s renewables sector.
Once constructed, the pipeline will be owned and managed by Gladstone Area Water Board.

The following project timeline indicates the anticipated commencement and completion dates of key project phases, weather permitting, and is subject to change.
The Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline team welcomes all feedback and questions.
Construction enquiries or complaints (McConnell Dowell BMD Joint Venture)
- t: 1800 668 118 (option 1)
- e:
Landholder enquiries (McConnell Dowell BMD Joint Venture)
- t: 1800 668 118 (option 2)
- e:
- t: 1800 668 118 (option 3)
- e:
Employment or contractor opportunities
- e:
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
A Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (the Strategy) has been prepared for the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline (FGP). The Strategy outlines the FGPs approach to communication and engagement and documents the management systems, procedures and plans required during the design and construction phases. The Strategy has been designed to be compatible with and complement the current Gladstone Area Water Board’s Community Engagement Policy, Principles, Standards and Guidelines.
To provide feedback on the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy or how we communicate and engage with stakeholders please contact us using the following contact details:
- t: 1800 668 118 (option 1)
- e: or
All other enquiries (Gladstone Area Water Board)
- t: 1800 668 118 (option 3)
- e:
Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) are committed to protecting user privacy. You can access GAWB’s privacy policy here.
Latest news
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- Construction Environmental Management Plan
- Special Area Plan – Trenchless Waterway Crossings (Rev 6)
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EPBC Annual Compliance Report
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- EIS summary
- EIS chapter 1 introduction
- EIS chapter 2 project-description
- EIS chapter 3 climate
- EIS chapter 4 land-use-and-infrastructure
- EIS chapter 5 soils-and-contaminated-land
- EIS chapter 6 terrestrial-flora
- EIS chapter 7 terrestrial-fauna
- EIS chapter 8 aquatic-flora-and-fauna
- EIS chapter 9 water-resources-and-water-quality
- EIS chapter 10 air-environment
- EIS chapter 11 waste
- EIS chapter 12 noise-and-vibration
- EIS chapter 13 transport-and-access-arrangements
- EIS chapter 14 cultural-heritage
- EIS chapter 15 social-and-economic-environment
- EIS chapter 16 hazard-and-risk
- EIS chapter 17 landscape-and-visual-impact-assessment
- EIS chapter 18 summary-of-impacts-and-cumulative-effects
- EIS chapter 19 sustainability-impacts
- EIS chapter 20 planning-environmental-management-plan
EIS Appendices
- Appendix a terms-of-reference-checklist
- Appendix b public-engagement-report
- Appendix c development-approvals
- Appendix d property-line-list
- Appendix e1 soils-and-contaminated-land
- Appendix e2 terrestrial-flora
- Appendix e3 terrestrial-fauna
- Appendix e4 aquatic-flora-and-fauna
- Appendix e5 noise-and-vibration
- Appendix f list-of-proponent-commitments
- Appendix g potential-impacts-on-matters-of-national-environmental-significance
- Appendix h eis-study-team