
2024-10-16 09:33:57 DAM CAPACITY 51.00% 33.02M HEIGHT 396,137ML VOLUME

FGP connection to the high-voltage power grid

The Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline (FGP) is an important infrastructure project for the Gladstone region and is on track for completion as scheduled in early 2026 and is within budget.

As a large-scale infrastructure project approved by the Queensland Government, the FGP has a detailed project schedule and associated timelines for all required activities, including for connection of high-voltage power supply.

Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) Chief Executive Officer Darren Barlow said the media reports today stating GAWB was yet to organise high-voltage power for the FGP, are incorrect.

“The infrastructure associated with the FGP will be connected to the high-voltage power grid. The process to connect the FGP to the electricity network commenced in 2021,” Mar Barlow said.

“The permanent high-voltage electricity connection to the Alton Downs Water Treatment Plant is scheduled for delivery by Ergon in 2025, in time for project commissioning.

“Generators will be purchased by the FGP as appropriate risk management to maintain water supply in the event of a power outage at any time over the project’s lifespan.

“This is standard risk-management practice for a project of this nature,” Mr Barlow said.

Further Information:

The FGP is a $983 million project to address the single source water supply risk from Awoonga Dam.

The 117-kilometre pipeline will run from the Lower Fitzroy River in Rockhampton and connect to GAWB’s existing water network at Yarwun, north of Gladstone. The pipeline comprises a water treatment plant, reservoirs and pumping stations at locations along its alignment including Laurel Bank, Alton Downs and Aldoga.

The FGP will be owned and operated by GAWB once operational.

For more information, please visit our dedicated FGP page.